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Finally, A Natural Supplement For Gout Pain Relief & Keeps It Away Without Dietary Restrictions!
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person.
Mr. Chen,
A Verified Customer
"Gout had destroyed my life, especially each time it flares up. After using Eazy Go by GoutFX, my flare is gone as quickly as 3 days and now I can even eat what I want without worrying! I highly recommend this to anyone who suffer from gout!"
*Results may not by typical nor expected for every person.
Are You 1 Of The 13 Million Americans Who Are Currently Suffering From Gout Problems?
Please Be 100% Honest - Check All The Questions Where Your Answer Is A “YES”
Did you ever wake up in the middle of the night with sudden pain in your joint or toe?
Have your doctor ever told you that you might potentially be a gout suffer?
Are you on any dietary restrictions to avoid your next gout flare?
Are you currently prescribed with Allo to control your gout issues?
If you've answered "YES" to any of the questions above, we got good news for you. In fact, this may drastically change your life and become your lifesavers, so read every word on this page.
4 Shocking Myths That Gout Suffers Are Clueless About Which Led The The Biggest Health Breakthrough To Seize Gout Flares
Can you remember your first gout flare?

We're sure you do. It’s pretty unforgettable, unfortunately.

We know you also remember the confusion that came right after, trying to find answers.

To top it all, the dread you felt when you saw, on every possible website out there, or heard from every single doctor:

"Gout Is Incurable!"

Then, you start to put on a restrict diet and ditched your favorite drinks and food just to avoid the gout flare from happening again.

In fact, you might also be prescribed with Allo by your doctor which now your life depends on it to ensure you relief your gout pain and flare.

However, 'till this day, rarely anyone have challenged if these are the RIGHT approaches for gout suffers...

...and if we take a deeper dive into the common beliefs about gout with Sherlock Holmes detective style, we've discovered 4 shocking myths that gout suffers are blind-folded about. It even led us to finding a breakthrough to eliminate the struggle for anyone who has gout.

But first, let's start with myth busters first:

Myth Buster #1
Hyperuricemia & Gout Only Affect Men Over 50 Years Old

According to Egyptian records, compared to other medical conditions, hyperuricemia and gout specifically were discovered AND documented more than 4,000 years ago.

However, an advanced analysis of it, its symptoms, and its causes started ONLY in the 5th century BC when Hippocrates referred to it as the “unwalkable disease.”

And it was the physician Aretaeus of Cappadocia who captured the essence of gout two thousand years ago:
“Pain seizes the great toe, then the forepart of the heel on which we rest; next it comes into the arch of the foot…the ankle joint swells last of all…no other pain is more severe than this, not iron screws, nor cords, not the wound of a dagger, nor burning fire….”
A painful description that’s still true to this day.

So, if gout was discovered and intensively analyzed for almost 2,500 years, why does the myth of it affecting only men after 50 still exist?

Well, to be honest, if you look at history, you’ll see that our ancestors had lower life expectancies. And while that is true, most reports take out the fact that many children died at birth or within their first five years of life.

So, if we were to take that demographic out…

No, the life expectancy didn’t increase too much, unfortunately.

For example, 2,000 years ago:

  • Ancient Greece’s life expectancy was of 37.5 years
  • ​Ancient Rome’s life expectancy was of 40 years
  • ​For China, the number stood at 35 years
So, looking at these numbers, it is only normal to assume that gout is “an old man’s disease.”

Especially since uric acid takes, on average, between 10 and 20 years to build up and form crystals that have the potential to trigger gout attacks, at least we thought so…

However… there is another aspect that needs to be analyzed regarding gout and age from a historical reference.

Even if they lived long enough, were all “old” ancestors affected by gout?

The answer is a definitive NO!

This leads us to the second myth about gout:

Myth Buster #2
Gout Is The Rich Man’s Disease!

Well, now, historically speaking, this might have been the case for centuries, even millennia.

But during the past 200 years, and especially in the 21st century (a.k.a. now), this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Because honestly, it’s not the rich getting affected by gout anymore. It’s the middle and lower-class population that has the highest gout prevalence.

However, we don’t want you to take my word for granted. Instead, we want you to understand why that is and what’s changed in the past 200 years to create this shift.
For the past 100 years, the dietary lifestyle of the average American has been heavily influenced by shady marketing practices and business opportunities.

Companies have leveraged our desire to save time (the one currency we can never get back), and the food industry has sneakily introduced us to fast food.

I’m not going to list all the medical reasons why this is a plague to society; you are well aware of them.

And I’m not going to lecture you about your dietary choices either. To each its own.
However, I want you to understand a few connections between the fast food we love so much and an increase in gout prevalence.
  • Meat has become available and often cheap. Everyone has easy access to it, and almost everyone can afford it, especially burgers and nuggets.
  • Most foods contain cornstarch or high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetener alternative to glucose.
  • ​Almost every single fast food meal comes with a drink.
So, let’s put these together:
  • Red meat is a high-purine food -- a direct cause of hyperuricemia and gout.
  • Fructose is the no. 1 non-purine element directly linked to an increase in gout attacks.
Every time you have a drink that’s not water, your body cancels its natural thirst reaction. So the direct consequence is you not drinking enough water to help your kidneys break down and eliminate urates. The second level consequence of that… you guessed it: they crystalize in your joints.

So, should you quit eating fast food?

The answer is no. Not at all.

But… Is it making sense why gout is no longer a rich man’s disease?

I reasonably believe it does… Because rich people don’t eat that much fast food. They can afford clean diets with organic ingredients! … and also a chef to cook it all…

Still... if you think that I’m going to say to you, “stop eating fast food,”... You’d be wrong. People all over the world are eating fast food, and they have absolutely ZERO problems from hyperuricemia or gout.

And that’s because the third myth I’m going to bust for you is…

Myth Buster #3
Gout Is Caused By Foods High in Purines

Is it? Yes!

But that’s not an absolute fact.

Because… surprise, surprise… we still haven’t figured out yet how our bodies fully function and what all the connections are to make such a statement.

Not only that, but when we were researching this a few weeks ago, we found what we believe to be the best breakdown of what is, what causes, and how gout can be managed on a site called Medscape.
If you don’t know what that is, it’s one of the few US Healthcare websites out there dedicated to providing insight and knowledge to registered nurses by sharing exclusive, up-to-date research and findings from all over the world.

No, as an average human, you don’t get access to everything in their database. But with our Registered Nurse in our team, we were able to find more than we could have ever dreamed of.


This breakdown article is available, and there’s a link at the bottom of the page that you can access yourself.

But before you do…

Here’s what they have to say about it.

Three leading pathophysiologic causes lead to hyperuricemia:
  • Uric Acid Underexcretion
  • ​Ulric Acid Overproduction
  • Combined Causes
Now… this might not be news to you, but there’s more.

Each of these three categories includes different culprits:

For underexcretion, you have 13 different causes that lead to hyperuricemia, some involving genetics, some the metabolic syndrome that we already know is not a condition in itself, but a cumulus of different diseases and prevalent factors influencing your metabolism.

For overproduction, Medscape mentions eight different causes, from Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome to exposure to organochlorine pesticides.

And for combined causes, there are an extra five different triggers listed.

And this breakdown of theirs is JUST a summary of the most common causes in each of the three categories that lead to hyperuricemia and gout.

There are 26 different causes listed in total.

Only ONE of them is a high-purine diet. And it’s linked to the overproduction of uric acid crystals.

So… should we keep going?

We don’t think so because this, right here, is proof enough that foods high in purines are not always to blame for hyperuricemia and gout.

Now, let's bust the 4th and final myth about gout… probably the most important of them all…

Myth Buster #4
If You Have Gout, You Need To Take Allo Your ENTIRE Life! And It’s Safe For Your Body!

Before we tell you anything else… we want you to look at the screenshot we took just a few days ago:

Isn’t that quite interesting?

The first link belongs to the UK’s National Health Service website, and it leads to the official guidelines page for gout and hyperuricemia.

The second link belongs to a group of doctors who have chosen to create a retrospective cohort study for people diagnosed with gout in 1993 and who died no later than 1999 to see the link between mortality and their allo dosage during their last years of life.

If it were us… we’d run away from allo and start eating lettuce, just to make sure I never get a gout attack.

We WOULD take that deal.

And we’d be doing a great job at keeping our promise… Until we’d see the first juicy steak.

We're human! We're not a robot!

And you’re not one either!

So we know there’s no way you can go off allo or refuse to get it when you’re flaring up, feeling the worst pain in your life!

However, there are constant side effects to all artificially created treatments.

Many of these are seen only years after their development and FDA approval.

Because yes, it takes years and even decades to analyze the long-term effect of any drug.

And that’s related to our bodies’ inability to metabolize artificial substances. Your body was not created for synthetic substances!

It was, however, perfectly crafted to metabolize natural substances and receive the support it needs from your diet to function correctly.

And that… that is the ONLY reason why countries like Japan are known for:
  • The longest life-span in the world (Check the region of Okinawa, currently holding the world record for people over 100 years old)
  • ​​The lowest rate of death for almost all causes (getting beaten only by France in cardiovascular diseases - because we all know the French have those magic polyphenols in their natural wines, so they hold the upper hand)
  • ​​The lowest rate of obesity in the world
And finally, the LOWEST RATE of Gout and Hyperuricemia prevalence in the world!

How do they do it?

    How Is Japan Avoiding a High-Gout Incidence While Consuming High-Purine Foods?

    The answer is staring them in the face almost every time they eat something.

    And it’s no surprise there.

    Their diet is rich and tasty and filled with flavors!

    Those flavors… The spices they’re using… Most of them are natural substances that support the body’s metabolic process and help it maintain healthy levels of… well, almost EVERYTHING!
    And this dietary style has been analyzed for centuries by their natural healers first, doctors secondly, and scientists in the past century until now.

    Their findings sometimes might look “miraculous.”

    There’s no such thing!

    It’s just pure historical and scientific evidence that when we turn to the resources Mother Earth provides us with, we can maintain our health, youth, and vibrancy…

    All while living life FREE OF PAIN!

    Luckily, some of these studies have crossed Japan’s borders and sparked doctors’ interest worldwide.

    And I’m talking about specialists here who dedicate their lives to learning the ins and outs of a single condition to find a way to beat it, beat its symptoms, and improve the lives of those affected by it.

    We're not talking about General Practitioners who are forced to know a bit about everything.

    Their role is to redirect a patient to specialists.

    Unfortunately, most of them suffer from an “ego” complex and think they can solve it all.

    The truth: no, they cannot!

    So, with the help of a few renowned doctors, the truth about Japan’s low gout rate is finally getting released to the world.

    All thanks to a few plants…

    You already know some of them, and they play a massive role in reducing the body’s risk of developing hyperuricemia and gout!

    But some of them… you probably never heard of!

    Until today!

    So let’s review them and how they can help you break free from the pain brought by gout!

    However… to do that, we need to look at gout from three perspectives:
    • Symptoms
    • ​Treatment
    • ​Prevention
    Because each of the plants listed below plays a vital role in each of these phases, allowing you to make the most of them all, no matter where you are in your gout struggles!

    The first ones address what matters most to you: eliminating the causes of gout pain during a flare. And doing that fast, because there’s nothing worse than the crippling sensation you get…

    Which, to be honest…

    It puts your life on hold!

    So, here they are:

      14 Plant-Based, All-Natural Antioxidants That Are Proven To Fight Against Gout That Rarely Anyone Knows

      #1 - Corydalis Turtschaninovii

      So far, the only natural socially-accepted natural remedy or ailment of gout flares is colchicine. Derived from autumn crocus and glory lily, it’s been used for thousands of years.

      However, the power of Corydalis Turtschaninovii has been scientifically and historically proven to be higher than that of colchicine.

      The reason behind this is that while colchicine acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory remedy, working its magic during several days of efficient treatment, Corydalis’s mechanism is different.
      The active substance from the Corydalis plant is an alkaloid called DL-THP (DL-tetrahydropalmatine), and its primary ability is to BLOCK the sensation of pain by acting on different receptors in the brain.

      This means...that while the inflammation triggered by uric acid crystals still exists, the sensation of pain is almost completely gone.

      However, it doesn’t stop here. Because getting rid of the pain as fast as possible is only the first step in managing gout flares.

      And reducing inflammation is still required to recover from a flare.

      And Corydalis Turtschaninovii helps again, along with the other plants listed below.

      Another active compound extracted from it, dehydrocorybulbine (DHCB), actively works on inflammation, helping the body reduce it naturally, causing swelling, redness, and pain to decrease as well.

      And while the rood of Corydalis has been used for thousands of years, it was only in 2014 that DHCB was identified,  after a study that joined teams of scientists from China and the US. The study analyzed over 500 derivatives from plants that might help with pain, but only Corydalis’ DHCB showed an effect that could be replicated over and over again!

      The best part? It does not trigger any addiction!
      “A compound derived from a traditional Chinese herbal medicine has been found effective at alleviating pain, pointing the way to a new nonaddictive analgesic for acute inflammatory and nerve pain, according to UC Irvine pharmacology researchers.” [1]
      One study analyzing analgesic effects even on spinal injury patients has proven its efficacy over other naturally-derived remedies and even some NSAIDs. [2]

      To top it all, it has been clinically proven that an extract of DL-THP and CHBC could reduce pain and pain bothersomeness after only one oral administration of a pill containing it in a controlled clinical trial. [3]

      The conclusion of these three studies listed here, and every other research out there is that these two substances, both of them extracted from Corydalis Turtschaninovii, can significantly reduce pain after only one dose, improving the overall tonus and life of the sufferer, in less than 2-3 hours after administration.

      However, getting instant pain relief is not enough to escape the shackles of gout.

      And the following three plants that act similarly to the famous colchicine support the instant effects of Corydalis.

      #2 - Angelica Dahurica

      There is no surprise Angelica Dahurica made the list because it holds the same CHCB active substance.

      However, beyond that, this herb produces a strong antioxidant effect in the body, blocking damage to joints, and it has been already used in over 12 patented formulations for treating gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

      Its uses have been known worldwide for thousands of years, the areal of Angelica Dahurica covering most of the Northern Hemisphere!
      Multiple studies have showcased its ability to reduce pain fast (and since 2014, we know it is because of DHCB). Still, besides this, a review of over 70 phytotherapy of gout studies, published in 2013, showcased Angelica Dahurica as one of the main herbs with analgesic effects and the ability to reduce hyperuricemia. [4]

      In fact, if you search the NCBI Database, you will find over 180 studies that relate Angelica dahurica and gout, with positive results. [5]

      #3 - Nepeta Tenuifolia

      Mostly known for its aromatic properties, Nepeta Tenuifolia is one of the few herbs out there that you can find in comparative studies that analyze the effects of allo compared to natural alternatives. [6]

      Its properties are mentioned and analyzed in over 21 studies that include gout and rheumatoid arthritis and pain induced by pneumonia, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and severe clonic epilepsy.

      The most recent study analyzing Nepeta Tenuifolia’s interaction with gout showcases its ability to interact with the NLRP3 inflammasome during inflammatory activation of THP-1 cells, reducing the high inflammation caused by the release of uric acid crystals within the joint. [7]
      However, you’ve probably seen it and treated it as "green". According to some, it doesn’t stand out, it’s invasive, but its potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant properties help provide extremely rapid pain relief, something much needed by gout patients.

      And, on top of that, these properties offer the support your body needs for long-term hyperuricemia and joint health recovery, making it a faithful ally in long-term gout management. [8]

      #4 - Dipsacus Asper

      If you’ve done your own research, Dipsacus Asper might be one of the natural gout remedies you’ve come across.

      It’s not a surprise.

      The antioxidant activities of the phenolic derivatives extracted from Dipsacus Asper have been clinically proven to help reduce the production of monosodium urate crystals, relieving the body from uric acid overproduction due to health conditions and dietary preferences. [9]

      At the same time, countless studies have been performed on the overall anti-oxidative effects of steroids that lead to anti-inflammatory and analgesic responses in the human body.
      Secondary benefits of Dipsacus Asper have been found, by increasing the metabolization process of LDL, thus contributing to the body’s natural tendency of lowering LDL levels, especially in patients suffering from high cholesterol. [10]

      However, the most critical aspect of Dipsacus asper is that it provides support for kidney and liver processes, the main organs involved in the metabolic process, and uric acid production.

      Maintaining them as healthy as possible, especially in a high-protein and high-purine food diet is mandatory to balance the production of monosodium urate crystals and to help expedite their elimination instead of them being deposited in joint cartilage. [11, 12]

      However, it doesn’t end here.

      Because, as I mentioned before, there are numerous other plants that not only address the acute symptoms of gouts: pain and inflammation, but also the processes that lead to the buildup of uric acid crystals in your joints.

      The following help by supporting the body dissolve the already deposited crystals and reduce the possibility of their re-creation by maintaining low levels of monosodium urate in your body:

      #5 - Vincetoxicum Pycnostelma

      While the name might be hard to pronounce, it could be even harder to find resources about it. This traditional Eastern-Asian plant is one of the few out there for which medical patents that include it have been registered for the management of pain in patients suffering from gout and arthritis.[13]

      Used for millennia in traditional Chinese medicine, this is one of the most popular pain treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. [14]

      The mechanism behind it is similar to colchicine because of its high antioxidant capacity.
      However, studies have proven it is also an effective herb in preventing hyperuricemia by acting as a natural xanthine oxidase inhibitor. Its properties allow it to interfere with the metabolic events triggered by xanthine oxidase, thus reducing the uric acid levels in your body. [15]

      It’s been traditionally used against pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

      #6 - Sargentodoxa Cuneata

      This is one of the most peculiar herbs you can ever encounter. Its entire genus (Sargentodoxa) consists of only one plant, Sargentodoxa Cuneata.

      However, this somewhat rare plant has been traditionally used in Chinese medicine as a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis due to its powerful antioxidant properties.

      All of it is thanks to the plant’s stem, which contains salidroside, chlorogenic acid, and liriodendrin, substances shown to act as antioxidants [16, 17], anti-inflammatory [18], and antithrombotic [19].
      While the first two properties might make sense, the antithrombotic aspect of it might surprise you.

      In all honesty, it shouldn’t. Because unfortunately, gout patients of any age have a 25% greater risk of developing a blood clot in their veins within ten years of their diagnosis.

      However, the risk you face increases to 79% if you haven’t celebrated your 50th anniversary and have been diagnosed with gout already. [20]

      So while Sargentodoxa Cuneata brings its direct benefit to managing a gout flare by helping the body naturally reduce inflammation and pain, its long-term, completely safe use can help your body prevent thrombosis complications caused by gout.

      #7 - Morus Alba

      You are probably surprised Morus Alba wasn’t higher on this list due to its popularity as a natural remedy for gout.

      Because its benefits have been showcased for thousands of years…

      It is why Morus Alba has been included in the “Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica” (pinyin: Shénnóng Běncǎo Jīng) written during the reign of the Han dynasty. [21]

      Furthermore, several traditional Chinese preparations utilize the branch of Morus alba to treat gout, arthritis, and rheumatism [22].
      Various drug constituents were found to have significant antihyperuricemic potential, including mulberroside A, a stilbene glycoside [23], and several flavonoids, primarily morin [24, 25].

      And it’s linked directly to the fact that fructose is one of the non-purines that trigger gout attacks. This herb kicks in by modifying the breakdown and assimilation of carbohydrates in the body.

      It helps regulate metabolic processes for the liver and kidneys to filter monosodium urate instead of forcefully metabolizing a high carb intake, most of which is derived from fructose and corn-starch. [26]

      You could call it your junk-food pass if you want.

      Because several studies have analyzed its potential benefits in the link between Type 2 Diabetes and Hyperuricemia.

      One showcased evidence that hyperuricemia, metabolic syndrome, and type II diabetes share the same causal origin in which insulin resistance would play a key role. [27]

      All of this not only allows you to pass through a gout flare with flying colors, but it also gives your body the support it needs to maintain your uric acid low, preventing another gout attack.

      #8 - Tinospora Sinensis

      When scientists first heard of Tinospora Sinensis, it was through an old, traditional Tibetan medicine, called TongFengTangSan (TFTs), that contained it, along Terminalia chebula Trogopterori used to treat joint conditions like gout, gouty arthritis, swelling, and pain.

      Its therapeutic effects have been demonstrated for centuries. But as with many herbal remedies, no one knew how it worked. So they proceeded to analyze it.[28]

      They discovered that the extract contained 13 active substances they could use to test for anti-hyperuricemic effects. Every single test they conducted showed positive results.

      Another study proved that the anti-inflammatory activity of isolated diosgenin from Tinospora Sinensis was stronger than that of indomethacin.[29]

      And a third review study showed that Tinospora Sinensis had results that surpassed Colchicine’s in the inflammation and pain management during gout flares. [30]

      Unfortunately… We are still a long way from any of these plants receiving the recognition and approval they deserve at a national level.

      Just like the next one:

      #9 - Glycyrrhiza Glabra

      Another one you may have heard of, but in a different context, however.

      Glycyrrhiza Glabra is one of the most potent herbs used in balancing metabolic processes. It helps the body reduce blood sugar levels, acting as a natural anti-diabetic agent for people living with type 2 diabetes. [31]

      At the same time, it’s a fat-burning promoter, being successfully used in speeding up weight loss.

      However, while these features make Glycyrrhiza  Glabra worthy of making the cut on our list, its natural ability to inhibit Xanthine Oxidase’s action was what drove us to showcase it.
      Yes, a study lists it as a less powerful ingredient to lower uric acid than allo, showing that it had 50% of allo's effects. [32]

      What’s not hyped in the study, though… is that the concentration used for Glycyrrhiza Glabra was lower than that of allo. And that… compared to allo, it has no side effects.

      And another interesting fact… Glycyrrhiza Glabra is what is known worldwide as licorice.

      Yes… you read that right.

      And there is no doubt you know where to get it from!

      Because it’s been staring you in the face your entire life.

      Unlike the next plant, though…

      #10 - Sarcandra Glabra

      Yes, the name sounds familiar, but it has nothing to do with licorice. Instead, Sarcandra Glabra is an aromatic herb commonly found in South-East Asia.

      The interesting aspect about it is that among the phenolics it contains, one stands out.

      It’s called astilbin.

      And while there are countless studies conducted on its antioxidative effects, one stood out among all others.

      It is a private study conducted by a German company.
      It's one of the many sustained privately by it, all of them supporting the inclusion of astilbin in gout and rheumatoid arthritis treatment protocols.

      Here is an excerpt of their abstract:
      “The results demonstrated that astilbin significantly decreased the serum uric acid (Sur) level by increasing the urinary uric acid (Uur) level and fractional excretion of urate (FEUA) but not inhibiting the xanthine oxidase (XOD) activity. In addition, kidney function parameters such as serum creatinine (Scr) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) were recovered in astilbin-treated hyperuricemic rats. Further investigation indicated that astilbin prevented the renal damage against the expression of transforming growth factor- β1 (TGF-β1) and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) and also exerted a renal protective role by inhibiting the formation of monosodium urate (MSU) and production of prostaglandin E₂ (PGE₂) and interleukin-1 (IL-1). These findings provide potent evidence for astilbin as a safe and promising lead compound in the development of a disease-modifying drug to prevent hyperuricemia and nephropathy.”
      Now, you won’t find these studies on the first page of any search engine you might use… Because they are not meant for your eyes, they're deeply buried within websites (because companies are still mandated to make these studies public).

      But we’ve listed the source below so that you can check for yourself. [33]

      Before you do that, though…

      There are just a few more plants you need to learn about that will help you surpass the struggles and pain of a gout flare and keep another one at bay without making any changes in your diet.

      #11 - Phragmites Australis

      It’s one of the most potent antioxidants given to us by Mother Nature. And it’s been proven to act as a natural cleansing agent, promoting the optimal function of your kidneys.

      This helps your body by allowing uric acid to be eliminated, eliminating the risk of underexcretion, which affects a third of hyperuricemic patients, leading to gout. [34]

      It’s simple: if uric acid gets eliminated, the monosodium urate crystals don’t form and deposit in your joints. Regular use of it has been proven to reduce the risk of gout flares, minimizing the frequency and intensity of attacks. [35]

      #12 - Saposhnikovia Divaricata

      Don’t get steered away by its name. The anti-hyperuricemic potential of Saposhnikovia Divaricata has been extensively researched, including in a 2019 study that analyzed its efficacy as an antihyperuricemic agent and the adverse side effects it can pose.

      At an astounding level of 5,000 mg (kg/day) for 13 weeks, zero side effects were noticed.

      And the results?
      “SRE had anti-hyperuricemia effect and lowered the excessive level of uric acid, a potential factor for gout and kidney failure.” [36]
      And right before that, a randomized control trial that included Saposhnikovia Divaricata, a positive control (containing allo as the antihyperuricemic agent), and a control (etoricoxib) group was performed.

      These are the scientist's conclusions:
      “After eight weeks of treatment, the mixture decreased serum uric acid levels more than allo (P < 0.05) and reduced levels of CCL2 and CXCL8 protein significantly more than in the allo and control groups. Conclusions. The therapeutic actions of the mixture inhibit the expression of proteins CCL2 and CXCL8 in plasma and upregulate the expressions of three miRNAs (miR-486-5p, miR-339-5p, and miR-361-5p).”
      However… you probably haven’t heard of it until now, unfortunately, and are still stuck on allo…

      Unlike the final two plants on our list…

      #13 - Sambucus Chinensis

      The name is familiar. And that’s because you have heard of elderberries' antioxidant properties. But, while the ones you’re used to belonging to the Canadensis plant of the Sambucus genus, its sister is not far away when it comes to health benefits.

      Sambucus Chinensis has been used for its anti-inflammatory purposes for centuries in China and Malaysia, where it is widely spread.

      It was even included in the Essential Guide of the Herb Society of America for its properties.

      Concerning gout, it is a solid proponent for prevention, as it can regulate the body’s metabolic processes, sporting the efficient elimination of uric acid from your body. [37]

      #14 - Panax Notoginseng

      Yes, this powerhouse of a plant is included in our list.

      And while you might think it is due to its antioxidative effects, it’s actually the saponins that brought our attention to it.

      A 2010 randomized control trial on chronic renal failure patients even concluded:
      “Panax Notoginseng has a good therapeutic effect for the treatment of CRF (non-uremic). It possesses such therapeutic effects as improving the renal function, and lowering urine protein.” [38]
      And just this year, The Food and Agricultural Immunology Journal published a study that shows preclinical and clinical evidence of Red Ginseng extracts as an adjunctive therapy for gout, stating:
      “Patients taking RGT for three months showed significantly reduced NLRP3 expression compared to baseline. In conclusion, RGE suppressed acute gout inflammation by suppressing NLRP3 inflammasomes in animal models. Clinically, RGT suppressed NLRP3 expression in gout patients. The data suggest that red ginseng may exert an additive benefit in gout treatment.” [39]
      ll while being declared completely safe even by a study conducted at the Winton Hill Technical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, even back in 2000 (when they mentioned its documented and historically proven used and beneficial effects for gout sufferers). [40]

      So you see…

      You have here over 35 different references that show you clear as day how the plants, herbs, sometimes the weeds that surround us have the ability to keep us healthy, active, and pain-free.

      You have studies that give you the exact sources and quantities of each active substance and where to get them.

      Some are easier to find, due to their popularity!

      Some, however… might prove challenging to get your hands on.

      And just the hassle of ordering, organizing, and scheduling 14 different supplements might prove harder than just giving up and relying on a doctor’s prescription.

      It’s precisely why we’ve chosen to work hard for the past two years and create a unique formula that, based on all these resources and more, has been clinically tested and proven to…

      Help Your Body To Relieve Gout Pain Efficiently

      • Dipsacus Asper: Promotes optimal metabolic processes, tackling the common root cause of gout: overproduction and underexcretion of uric acid.
      • ​Sambucus Chinensis: Promotes optimal kidney function, helping eliminate the risk of uric acid underexcretion.
      • ​Vincetoxicum Pycnostelma: Acts as a natural xanthine oxidase inhibitor, providing quick gout symptom relief.
      • ​Angelica Dahurica: Provides long-term anti-inflammatory responses in vulnerable joints.
      • ​Corydalis Turtschaninovii: Contains DL-THP and DHCB compounds proven to relief inflammatory pain.
      • ​Morus Alba: Promotes natural uric acid elimination through kidney filtering.
      • ​Sargentodoxa Cuneata: Promotes a natural anti-inflammatory response in joints vulnerable to gout.
      • ​Panax Notoginseng: Contains saponins that have been proven to combat hyperuricemia.
      • Glycyrrhiza Glabra: Blocks xanthine oxidase and acts as a natural type II anti-diabetic agent.
      • Sarcandra Glabra: Contains powerful polyphenols that attack free radicals and cytokines, reducing inflammation.
      • Tinospora Sinensis: Targets xanthine oxidase and hunger/satiety hormones to speed up fat burning processes, eliminating stored monosodium urate.
      • Saposhnikovia Divaricata: Blood pressure control, improving circulation.
      • ​Phragmites Australis: Strengthens the body’s detoxification process.
      • Nepeta Tenuifolia: Damage prevention from pro-inflammatory toxins and free radicals.

      Was: $89.98

      Now Only: $59.95

      Plus FREE Shipping Worldwide

      Try GoutFX RISK-FREE
      Down To The Last Tablet
      Every bottle of Eazy Go by GoutFx comes with a full 90-day, no questions asked refund promise, even if it is an empty bottle!
      Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person.

      The New GoutFX Approved Formula Is Ready To Attack Your Gout Flare & Give You The Results You've Been Waiting For!

      And It’s Available For A Lower Price Than You Could Think Of!

      Because while you have access to everything, you need to mix and match the ingredients yourself. Just the Red ginseng and the Elderberry extract would cost $15 each. That’s just two of the fourteen ingredients you need.

      Not to mention that we see more and more problems within the shipping and logistics chain lately, and many of these ingredients are sourced from Eastern Asia.

      We sometimes have issues and delays with getting them shipped to Canada.

      Because while we source the ingredients from their native lands, the formula gets manufactured and packaged in a GMP Canadian facility.

      So we made it our mission to get this out there as soon as we could!

      And to make it as affordable as possible so that it reaches everyone who needs it!

      That is why a one-month supply of Eazy Go by GoutFX only costs $59.95 plus we're going to even offer you FREE shipping!

      Yes, you read that right!

      You can have a month’s supply of all the fourteen ingredients you need to relieve gout for just $59.95

      Because we are proud and humbled that our efforts to put this out there were recognized by at least one Health Organization, allowing us to share it with anyone who needs it!
      As you can see, it’s genuinely a powerhouse combination!

      And You Can Save Even More!

      You already know gout plays a long-term game. And your body needs support to fully restore the balance of its metabolic processes to break the chain of uric acid overproduction/underexcretion!

      We have had patients who used GoutFX for at least six months and managed to maintain their uric acid levels low, without any dietary changes, for months after that.

      So our offer to you is this:

      Save money and ensure you have enough not to have to deal with another gout attack!

      You have three options plus...

      We Dare To Offer A Full Money Back Promise
      Because We Stand Behind Our Product

      Not only have we tested this and replicated our results over and over again, but we stand by our claims.

      And to be honest, there is ZERO risk for you to try it!

      Because we offer a full, no-questions-asked, money-back promise!

      You have 90 days to test our product! If you choose, for any reason, to return it, you will receive your money back, even if you’ve used up the entire supply!

      We’ll refund everything, every single penny you paid, including shipping and handling!

      You will only pay return shipping, and we’ll send the money back to your account faster than a gout flare in the middle of the night!

      In fact, we are extremely confident about our innovative, life-changing product, we're even going to offer you an additional incentive: Double Your Money Back!

      If you do not see a decrease in your uric acid in your blood work after you have taken our Eazy Go, we will double the investment you are making today!

      We made this a complete no-brainer for you.

      All you need to do is to click the "Add To Cart" button below and experience a gout-"free" life!

      Our Customers Relieved From Gout Pain As Quickly As 3 Days* And Keep It Away…

      While Healing Their Joints And Their Body

      It is up to you now!

      You can choose to remain shackled by pain and inflammation… you can choose to be bedridden every few months…

      You can even choose the side effects that come with the long-term usage of your current gout management plan…

      You still have the option to give up on all your favorite foods out of fear you’ll feel numb and tingly, knowing what’s about to come!


      You can choose to give yourself a fighting chance!

      A chance that has been given to millions of Japanese people that enjoy life to the fullest because they have easy access to all the nutrients and compounds in front of you today!

      Just imagine…

      What if you could forget what gout feels like?

      And never have to worry about the physical and psychological impairment it brings along?

      What if your loved ones could never hear screaming in pain again?

      It’s possible! Right now!

      So give yourself a shot, knowing you are fully protected in case GoutFX fails you.

      Honestly, you'd probably be the first to have that happen!

      So we urge you, give Eazy Go by GoutFX a shot and give yourself a real fighting chance against gout pain! For good!

      P.S. Remember, our Full Money-Back Promise to fully protects you! Test it for as long as 90 days, and if you feel it made no difference in your life, it’s FREE. Then, simply return the bottle (or bottles) - even if it’s empty - and you get your full refund! Choose your package below and experience the difference with GoutFX today!

      Disclaimer: The products and statements made about specific products on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided on this web site or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. Results may vary from person to person.

      Testimonial Disclaimer: Every testimonial on this website is from a real GoutFX.com client who used our products. No one was paid for a testimonial or endorsement. Individual results may vary, and these testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. although testimonials are from real people, they may not reflect the typical person’s experience, and are not intended to represent a policy that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Every person has unique experiences, health habits, eating habits, and applies the information in a different way.

      Copyright 2021 - GoutFX.com - All Rights Reserved

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